$$:0 Blue BLue BLue $$:100 black black black $$:200 grey grey grey $$:1 blue white red PADS SOFTWARE, INC. Welcomes you to the Evaluation Package for PADS-PCB Personal Automated Design System for Printed Circuit Boards $$:2 blue white red PADS-PCB IS THE MOST POPULAR PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD DESIGN SYSTEM IN THE WORLD! $$:3 blue white red In this evaluation we will demonstrate the capability of PADS-PCB! $$:4 blue white red This evaluation is in two parts: PART ONE: This part is an automatic, self-running demonstration. Simply relax and view the features of PADS-PCB. PART TWO: The second part is a shareware version of the actual software, with all of the features needed to design real PCB's. $$:5 blue white red If you wish to leave this automatic demonstration and use the shareware, select CTRL-X. (While holding down the Ctrl key, press X). $$:6 blue white red If you wish to pause during the demonstration, select the space bar. To resume, press the space bar again. If you wish to move on, press any key except the space bar. $$:7 blue white red PADS-PCB is the BEST PRICE/PERFORMANCE SOLUTION PADS-PCB is the most powerful low-cost PCB design system you can buy for your personal computer. It provides an array of automatic and interactive tools to design today's complex designs at a suprisingly affordable price. PADS-PCB is easy to learn and use -- so whether you only occasionally design PCB's or you spend full time at it, PADS-PCB can help you. $$:8 blue white red PADS-PCB DESIGN AND LAYOUT FEATURES: * 1 mil grid resolution, metric and inch units supported * 30 layers * Large design capability - over 400 14 pin equivalent IC's * Full support for ANALOG, DIGITAL, and SMD designs * Blind and Buried Via support * Fast Design Rules Checking to 1 mil accuracy $$:9 blue white red MORE FEATURES............... * Fast, Graphical Library Browsing * On-Line Part Editing * Automatic Plane Generation with support for split planes and thermal relief checking * Dynamic Rubberbanding of connections * Component Rotation to 90 degrees * Powerful Group Functions * Full Macro support $$:10 blue white red PADS-Logic + PADS-PCB = A TOTALLY INTEGRATED SYSTEM PADS-Logic, our powerful low-cost schematic capture tool, shares not only the same user interface with PADS-PCB, but also, a common library and library database manager. As a result, the PADS integrated design system supports AUTOMATED ECO processing! Full forward and backward ECO capability including gate and pin swapping, component rename from pcb to schematic, and, automatic add/delete connections, parts, and routes; plus, you can rename nets and parts from the schematic to the pcb! $$:11 blue white red TOTAL UPWARD MIGRATION TO PADS-2000 For those designs that may reach the limits of PADS-PCB, PADS Software, Inc. has your solution........ .......For your most demanding designs, you can feel confident knowing your files created in PADS-PCB will transfer directly into PADS-2000 with NO conversions! PADS-2000 is our high-performance DOS product. It uses the same library and library database manager as PADS-PCB. $$:12 blue white red TOTAL UPWARD MIGRATION TO PADS-2000 PADS-2000 is written in 32-bit code. As a result, you can design boards greater than 4.5 feet square, over 4000 equivalent IC's, over 32,000 connections, all with a database resolution of 1 micron. PADS Software, Inc. makes it easy for you to upgrade into PADS-2000 by offering credits for your PADS-PCB system. You can apply these credits to your purchase of PADS-2000! $$:13 blue white red Now, on with the PADS-PCB demonstration.............. $$:14 blue white red MACROS PADS-PCB has full Macro support including MODELESS COMMANDS. Modeless commands are time savers. They let you select commands without going through the menu hierarchy. For example, you can search for any item in your database, instantly change your grid, level, or track width. You can highlight a named trace in your design and instantly change your text height and line width. $$:15 blue white red PARTS LIBRARY The parts library provided with PADS-PCB is an integrated CAE/CAD library containing the electrical properties together with the physical component information. Over 6,000 parts are availabe and a Part Editor is provided so you can easily create or modify a part. The Part Editor can be accessed ON-LINE at any time. $$:16 blue white red MULTIPLE USER LIBRARIES PADS-PCB allows you to define multiple USER Libraries. PLUS...... A Library Merge feature allows you to easily exchange parts with other PADS designers. $$:17 blue white red <---------- INPUT/OUTPUT MENU This menu is used to input netlist data from schematic capture systems. Inputs are possible from PADS-LOGIC, FutureNet, Orcad, Viewlogic, Capfast, Schema, and others. Observe how quickly a job can be retreived from disk. $$:18 blue white red ON-THE-FLY The ON-THE-FLY commands let you design your board without starting from a net list or schematic input. Let's assume you already know the circuit contents even without a schematic. Simply call up the parts using the Library Browse routine, place the parts, then connect and route your traces. Let's watch how easily this is done with PADS. Incidentally, no other CAD System has a comparable feature! $$:19 blue white red THE SETUP ROUTINE: The Setup routine is used to "Setup the Software" for your particular wishes, (for example, to select the colors used to distinguish layers at the CRT), set the number of layers on the board, set the size and shapes of PADS and Tracks, and other criteria. In the next CRT sequence you will see how SETUP is used to change the display from a blue background to a black background, to change the items on Layer One from a green color to a yellow color, and change Layer Two from a blue color to a red color. Let's watch.......... $$:20 blue white red THE CREATE ROUTINE: The Create Routine is used to create free text on the board, create 2-D dimensional lines, areas of copper, and component decals. In the next CRT sequence, you will first see an area of copper and text being created. $$:21 blue white red COMPONENT PLACEMENT: Correct Component Placement is one of the most important phases in the layout of a board. One must have good Component Placement in order that the board can be routed. PADS-PCB has more Placement aids, both manual and automatic than does any other CAD system. Among these Placement aids are Move, Rotate, Opposite Side, Connection Length Minimization, Automatic Placement, Auto Gate Swap, Auto Pin Swap, Step and Repeat, and many other aids, as you will see. $$:22 blue white red MOVING PARTS: You use the mouse cursor to pick a part and move it anywhere on the board. Notice how the connections rubber band with the part as it is moved. Very useful in evaluating one location over another, in real time. $$:23 blue white red ROTATING PARTS You can rotate parts 90 degrees......... $$:24 blue white red ALTERNATE PARTS: The ability to change the configuration of the part after it has already been placed on the board is very valuable. The following two examples will illustrate: First suppose you are designing a very dense analog board and you find yourself running out of room. To make more room wouldn't it be nice if you could stand parts "On End" rather than laying them flat. With PADS-PCB you can! Let's Watch! $$:25 blue white red SECOND EXAMPLE: You are designing a board using DIP parts and you have completed the board placement. You find you must switch from DIP packaging to Surface Mount Device (SMD) packaging but you do not want to replace the parts on the board. During conversion to SMD parts you want to place some SMD parts on both the Top layer and the bottom layer. Again, easy to do with PADS! $$:26 blue white red LENGTH MINIMIZATION: The ability to minimize the total length of the connections on the board is an essential feature to any CAD system. Let's watch Length Minimization in action on a single net. First you see the connections of a single net as they might appear when the parts are initially placed on the board. Then you will see the connection pattern of the net after Length Minimization resequenced the order of the nodes to shorten the length of the net. $$:27 blue white red Get the idea of Length Minimization? Let's now see how Length Minimization works on an entire board where the parts have been placed but the connection length has not yet been minimized. Typically, the length is reduced by, in the order of 30-35 percent. $$:28 blue white red VIEWING OF THE CONNECTION PATTERN While placing parts, you should be able to view the ratsnest of the connection pattern as it evolves. With PADS-PCB you can can see a single net of your choice such as the CLOCK net. $$:29 blue white red - - - or you can view only Power or Ground. $$:30 blue white red ---- or you can see all the connections on the board. $$:31 blue white red AUTO PLACE: The Parts Placement features you have seen up to this point are interactive (Manual). You make the decision and the system implements your decisions. PADS-PCB also automatically places the parts, without assistance from you. It is especially useful for placement of components on Digital boards. In the next sequence observe AUTO PLACE, a PADS-PCB option, automatically placing the components on the board, without any assistance from the designer. $$:32 blue white red The sequence you will observe is a follows: First, the matrix on which the system places the parts, is displayed for your information. $$:33 blue white red <---- Next, you will see the first AUTO-PLACE Algorithm move the parts from their initial location, onto the board and locate them on the matrix. This placement is a preliminary placement only. $$:34 blue white red <---- Next, you will see a second AUTO-PLACE Algorithm refine and complete the initial placement of the ICs. $$:35 blue white red Next, the decoupling caps are AUTO-PLACED. $$:36 blue white red AUTOMATIC GATE/PIN SWAP: With PADS-PCB you can either automatically or interactively swap Gates and Pins. A Batch Change Order file is created that automatically (hands off) updates your PADS-LOGIC schematic originally used to create the board database. $$:37 blue white red GOODNESS OF PLACEMENT EVALUATION: "Goodness of Placement" evaluators literally lead you to a good placement. These "Goodness of Placement" evaluators, together with your good judgment and the PADS-PCB Component Placement routines, will quickly permit you to make a good placement of the parts on your board, even if you are not an experienced Board designer. PADS-PLACE has two "Goodness of Placement" evaluators. $$:38 blue white red CONNECTIONS HISTOGRAM: A "Connection Histogram" provides a graph in both the X and Y axis depicting the ratio of connections per routing channel in X or Y. Peaks in the Histogram indicate potential problem channels during routing. DENSITY MAP INDICATOR: The Connection Density Map Evaluator is a color map of the relative density of connections over the board. $$:39 blue white red RENAMING PARTS: PADS-PLACE also includes a routine to automatically rename the components on the board from the random fashion that exists after placement, to a sequence of your choice. In the next CRT presentation, you will see all the components renamed so that the Reference Designations start in the upper left hand corner and complete in the lower right hand corner. Notice the speed of automatic renaming. A Change Order File is being automatically generated that is used to update the schematic with the new Reference Designations. $$:40 blue white red STEP AND REPEAT: A group of parts and tracks can be "grouped" and moved, rotated, or stepped and repeated. When Stepped and Repeated, the new groups have new Reference Designations automatically assigned! - You don't need to keep track of and name the parts. $$:41 blue white red We want to step and repeat a group of parts and tracks two additional times. There is not enough room on the board, so watch while we quickly modify the board outline with BOARD MODIFY. We then "Step and Repeat" the circuit two additional times. SIMPLE! $$:42 blue white red This now completes the evaluation of PARTS-PLACEMENT. As you have seen the PADS-PLACE features are second to none, including the $100,000 Engineering workstations. Let's now examine Connection Routing. $$:43 blue white red CONNECTIONS ROUTING The routing of connections is the act of turning Connections into Routes or Tracks. Fully 70% of the total time used in designing a board is spent in the conversion of connections into tracks; therefore, selecting a system that has easy and rapid routing capability is, without doubt, the most important criteria in your evaluation process. $$:44 blue white red Rapid routing is one of the major strong points of PADS-PCB. PADS has two methods of connection routing. The first is Interactive (or Manual) routing wherein, you the designer, route the connections. The second is an option called "PADS-ROUTE", an automatic router. In the CRT sequences which follow, you will be shown both Interactive and Automatic routing. $$:45 blue white red INTERACTIVE ROUTING: In interactive routing one uses the mouse to select the connection to be routed, add corners to the tracks, change from one layer to the other as required, and finally, to complete the connection to the correct pin. $$:46 blue white red When a connection is selected, the track starts from the "beginning" pin and follows the mouse cursor as it is moved, laying down the track at it's correct width behind the cursor. The unrouted connection in front of the cursor guides you to the "finishing" pin. $$:47 blue white red Corners can be put in the track at a 90 degree angle... $$:48 blue white red ...A corner can be put in the track at a 45 degree angle... $$:49 blue white red Finally corners can be put at any angle, in one degree increments.... $$:50 blue white red As a track is transfered to another layer, an automatically inserted Via transfers the track to the other layer. $$:51 blue white red CORRECT CONNECTIVITY: With PADS-PCB tracks always automatically finish to the correct "terminating" pin. This feature is called "Maintaining Connectivity" and guarantees that tracks cannot be connected to pins that are not in the net. A most important feature! $$:52 blue white red Watch now as the designer interactively routes some connections. $$:53 blue white red TRACK NECK DOWN: Tracks can be "necked down" so as to route between IC pins or Surface Mount Pads, without spacing violations. Similarly, Power and Ground tracks can be thickened up for increased current carrying capacity. Let's watch..... $$:54 blue white red MODIFY ROUTE: It is very important to have a rapid method of modifying routed tracks . The PADS-PCB Modify Routine is especially powerful and easy to use. With Modify Route, one can delete a corner, add a corner, move a track, move a segment, cut a segment, and transfer segments from one layer to the other with the Vias either automatically inserted or removed, as the case may be. Observe the ease with which routed tracks can be modified. $$:57 blue white red ...Move a segment... $$:58 blue white red ...Move a track from one layer to another.... $$:56 blue white red ...Cut a segment... $$:55 blue white red ... Insert a corner..... $$:59 blue white red AUTOMATIC ROUTING: PADS-ROUTE has an Automatic router option that contains three different automatic routers. 1) A Power/Ground connection Heuristic router 2) A Memory connection Heuristic router 3) A Lee's maze search router All Routers observe the correct track width, spacing, and pad sizes and shapes, and routes "correct by construction;" thus, there are no spacing violations. $$:60 blue white red PADS-ROUTE SUMMARY: The PADS-ROUTE auto-router is an excellent low priced, high performance Auto-router. On boards of average density of about 0.6 square inches per IC, it will achieve in the order of 90-95% completion, after which the remaining unrouted connections are routed interactively by the designer. $$:61 blue white red THE PADS SUPERROUTER: PADS Software offers an alternative, very high performance router called, "PADS SUPERROUTER." The PADS SUPERROUTER "Rips-Up and Re-routes" until 100% of the connections on the most difficult boards, are routed. If 100% is not achieved, rip-up and re-route of the routed tracks continues until 100% or near 100% completion is achieved. $$:62 blue white red THE PADS SUPERROUTER: In benchmarks, the PADS SUPERROUTER has exceeded the performance of every Auto-Router on the market, including the famous CALAY system, the MAXROUTE router, and others, yet, PADS SUPERROUTER cost only a fraction of their cost. If you plan on routing large complex boards, you should consider the PADS SUPERROUTER. It is the best investment you can make! $$:63 blue white red ENGINEERING CHANGE ORDER: The incorporation of engineering change orders (ECO) to both the Schematic and PC Board is very important. In PADS-PCB, changes to the board, such as Gate and Pin Swapping and Component Rename, automatically update the schematic. Similarly, changes in the schematic automaticaly update the board. $$:64 blue white red CHECKING: When evaluating different CAD Packages, ensure the Systems have the ability to check for space or air gap violations. Some of the lower priced CAD Systems on the market do not have this capability! In these instances, you will need to make a plot of each layer of artwork and laboriously check over each pad and track to ensure compliance with your air gap spacing. $$:65 blue white red SPACE CHECK, CON'T: PADS-PCB has a very fast space check capability. The check is made to +/- one mil. Any violations of the established air gap are depicted at the location and on the layer where the violation has been made. In the next CRT sequence, we will deliberately create some space violations by the use of the Modify Route. We first create a short circuit on Layer Two; we will then move a track too close to another track, and finally we will move a track too close to a pad. Space Check will then be run and you will see errors indicated. $$:66 blue white red Seven errors are reported. PADS-PCB protects you from making spacing errors. $$:67 blue white red COMPUTER-AIDED-MANUFACTURING (CAM): PADS-PCB provides complete post-processing for Computer Aided Manufacturing. Outputs are available to Matrix Printers, Wet Ink Plotters, Gerber and Laser Photo Plotters, and Drill Tapes. Outputs include Assembly Drawings, Artwork for all layers, Ground and Power planes, Solder masks, SMD masks and Drill Drawings. $$:68 blue white red COMPUTER-AIDED-MANUFACTURING (CON'T): PADS Post-processing is very User friendly. The approach used is a series of CRT screens which have been pre-programmed for various outputs. You simply respond in the affirmative and proceed to the next screen. Should you wish to change a pre-programmed output, you make the change and then proceed to the next CRT screen. $$:69 blue white red Watch now as a Gerber file is created for the Layer one artwork of the board. $$:70 blue white red PADS-PCB has the capability of single layer, 2 layer, and multi-layer designs. Both Analog, Digital, and SMD designs can be handled. $$:71 blue white red LARGE BOARD CAPABILITIES: Many of the Personnal Computer based CAD systems on the market today are limited to the design of small boards. PADS has the capability of designing boards of over 400 14 pin equivalent ICs. $$:72 blue white red SMD BOARDS PADS-PCB has complete SMD design capability including SMD decals, top and bottom layer placement, routing to correct layer, thru vias, blind vias, buried vias, regular size vias, micro size vias, track thinning, Part Decals with built in Exit pads, etc. $$:73 blue white red POST SALE SUPPORT: Support, after you have purchased your CAD System, is also very important..... PADS Software, Inc.'s post sale Support has earned a reputation of the "Best Buy" in the industry, and for good reasons. Our support provides the following: $$:74 blue white red 1. Hot line Telephone Support that can instantly resolve 90% of all problems. 2. An analysis of any of your board files with problems. 3. "No cost" updates of Software to correct bugs reported either by yourself or any PADS-PCB User around the world. 4. "No cost" enhancements to the Software to improve capabilities and performance. $$:75 blue white red THE LOW COST OF PADS-PCB: We keep your costs to a minimum by configuring the system to your specific needs. You don't need to purchase options you will not be using, instead you select only those features you actually need! With our unique "Try Before Buy" plan you can try the system before you actually purchase it. That's how confident we are about PADS-PCB. Finally, if you currently have a PCB CAD system and you are not satisfied with it's performance or high annual maintenance upkeep, we will even purchase that system from you, when you purchase your new PADS-PCB system. $$:76 blue white red EVALUATION CONCLUSION: This concludes Part One of our Evaluation Package. We thank you for your interest in PADS-PCB and we trust that this evaluation, together with Part Two, contained herein, will serve the purpose of demonstrating the many and advanced features of PADS to you. $$:77 blue white red PADS is available from your local Authorized PADS Dealer or from PADS Software, Littleton, Massachusetts. 1-508-486-9521 This Evaluation provided by: PADS Software, Inc. 119 Russell Street Littleton, Ma. 01460 1-800-255-7814 * * * * * THE END * * * *